Wellvene Drop Lock Sleeve

Wellvene’s Drop Lock Sleeves are designed to suit any size and type of TRSSSV.


The sleeve design enhances the conventional method by offering a straightforward way of holding the TRSSSV Flapper Valve open while protecting the seal bores from wire damage. Typically run and retrieved on a conventional GS or In-Line Running / Pulling Tool, Wellvene has enhanced the design so it can be run on the Collapsible Running Tool. This option can simplify operations and reduce risk, time & cost by minimising runs in hole.

  • Designed to protect seal bores and hold flapper valve in the open position
  • Designed to suit any nipple profile size and type
  • Comes with a range of running tools
  • Saves time and risk by reducing runs in hole


  • Can be run and retrieved on standard GS Pulling Tool
  • Inline Running Tool/Pulling Tool with Internal Lift Sub allows sleeves to be set and retrieved during a single run
  • Collapsible Running Tool allows the sleeve to be set, T/S run to TD and retrieved back through the sleeve
  • Snap-in Collet Fingers to securely hold in position
  • Supplied with lifting clamp


  • Standard GS Setting / Pulling Tool
  • OD Inline Running/Pulling Tool complete with Internal Lift Sub. Allows the sleeve to be set, the toolstring to continue in well to target depth, and the sleeve retrieved to surface within a single run
  • Inline Collapsible Running Tool. Allows the sleeve to be set, the running tool keys to collapse (reduced OD), and the toolstring tocontinue in well to target depth. Upon pulling out of hole, the running tool and toolstring are pulled through the sleeve - leaving itset in place across the TRSSSV

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