Wellvene Max-ID Sleeve

Most hold open protection sleeves installed within a 5.500” TRSSSV offer a through bore ID of approximately 3.900” - an insufficient size when access is required through the sleeve with medium expansion permanent or retrievable bridge plugs and standard sized tubing cutters.


With its through bore ID of 4.244”, the Wellvene Max ID Sleeve allows BHA’s with an OD up to 4.200” to be safely run and retrieved through the sleeve while ensuring sufficient clearance.

  • Reduces operational risk, time and cost by reducing the number of wireline runs in hole
  • Allows for a wider selection of intervention tools to be considered
  • Simplifies process when a well has an inoperable TRSSSV flapper valve
  • Designed to suit any nipple profile, size and type rotects seal bores and holds flapper valve open


  • Run on Standard or Collapsible Running Tool
  • Collet Fingers securely hold the sleeve in position
  • 4.244” ID allows access for 4.200” OD bridge/composite plug
  • 4.224” OD Collapsible Running Tool continues in well to stimulate a bridge/ composite plug drift (during
  • Available as 4.500” version allowing sleeve ID to be increased up to 3.494”


Standard Running Tool

Sets the sleeve and is then retrieved to surface for change out to the next toolstring.

Inline Collapsible Running Tool

Sets the sleeve and continues in hole.

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